Monday, January 12, 2015

The Knowledge Exchange at GSU’s School of Extended Learning

One of the big ideas that GSU has pursued since it was founded more than 40 years ago is to make education accessible.  The School of Extended Learning is one of the ways we meet those needs.  We serve individuals who find on-campus daytime classes not always possible because of work and family schedules or active military service. 

We also serve the needs of U.S. and international English Language Learners through our programs from the American Language and Culture Institute.  In addition we have programs designed to meet the needs of lifelong learners such as our Knowledge Exchange.  

The unique and diverse non-credited courses that makeup the Knowledge Exchange are intended to encourage shared learning and the free exchange of opinions and ideas.   Specifically targeted for retired and semi-retired learners, courses take place within an open, relaxed and friendly environment and are reasonably priced. 

The morning session classes are 10-12 p.m. with an hour break between the start of the afternoon 1-3 p.m. session.  The lunch break between classes is a great time to enjoy lunch with other Knowledge Exchange participants and to continue classroom discussions and share ideas.   On occasion we offer Lunch and Learn lectures which are free and open to the public.

An example of a course from the Knowledge Exchange Winter 2015 session is World History: The Middle Ages.  This course examines major developments in Europe from roughly the year 1000 CE to 1500 CE.  The major events covered include the Crusades, the Plague, the Hundred Years’ War, the development of the nation-state and the rise of trade and towns. 

Another course is Great Decisions, an annual staple of the The Knowledge Exchange which employs the Foreign Policy Association’s book Great Decisions as a tool for engaging in lively and informed discussions about world affairs.  This year’s class includes topics on Privacy in the Digital Age, Syria’s Refuge Crisis, and Sectarianism in the Middle East.
We encourage you to come out and join the fun!  See the School of Extended Learning’s website for all the details. 

We invite you to explore our many degree, certifcertificate and individual course offeringsicate and individual course offerings listed on our website.  Each college has stellar programs and world-class professors; all of which are focused on delivering academic excellence in a small-class setting.  Learn more about the rich history, cultural amenities and beautiful campus that contributes to making us one of the top colleges in Illinois.  

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